Welcome to Young-PT.com

My name is Lauren Young and I'm a Personal Trainer. As a personal trainer I take an holistic approach to working with motivated clients and achieve great results.

My clients will tell you that improved fitness, weight loss and great body shape are achievable through a combination of my training techniques, lifestyle advice and your commitment.

Life is busy, personal training with me can help you prioritise your health and wellbeing and put you on track to enjoying life to the full.

Personal training is the safest and quickest way to achieve maximum results in the minimum amount of time.

Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, improve general fitness or train for a specific event, I will design and develop a unique fitness programme suited to your needs.

Food Tip: Don't skip breakfast. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. Your body has not eaten for 8+ hours so eat a couple of slices of wholemeal toast or a bowl of wholegrain cereal to set you up for the day.



Lauren Young